
American Apparel [Nail Lacquer - Summer Peach]

A layer of Glitter Nail Lacquer on top of Summer Peach Nail Lacquer to give it that little bit of sparkle.

Say hello to a BEAUTIFUL shade of nail polish by Nail Lacquer!
At first glance, this is a very pale, off putting shade
but it's actually a very flattering shade of
pale nude/ peach.

It seems to suit all skin types.
This nail polish looks just as good against my 
cousin's light brown complexion (pictured above) as it does 
against my sister's olive skin tone, or my friend Amy's
light skin.

Summer Peach Nail Lacquer  Glitter Nail Lacquer 

Luckily purchased at a very surprising sale price of only just £1, you can get yours
at the American Apparel website [link] for £9. 
I've previously written a review on the Glitter Nail Lacquer [link].

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